Suzanne & Peter N.
"Jan is the best trainer ever! She even practices what she teaches and is super fun & funny! There is a big variety in her workouts so you don’t get bored with the same old thing. You get a lot of bang for your buck with Jan. If you don’t like to sweat and work off the fat she probably isn’t for you!! We love her!"
Michelle S.
Jan customizing another workout! This time with a backpack loaded with rocks. Rock on!! “Jan has a passion and dedication to fitness training. She loves exercise herself and finds fulfillment in teaching others about it. Her energetic personality keeps me going through my training program.”
Joe K.
“I love Jan. Her energy level, positivity and preparation make our workouts not only efficient but funLiterally every workout is different and is specifically tailored for us. With her help I'm able to continually improve our overall fitness level.”
Joanna D.
“Intensity, intensity, intensity! Although we try, it's very hard sometimes to train with high intensity by yourself. Having Jan as this incredible motivator has helped me reach that higher intensity level and that strong mentality I need to get results. You will be be absolutely amazed by this woman. Whenever you don't feel like working hard, someone, somewhere else, is, and when you meet them, they will have the edge. Jan has been that person in my life. I always go into her workouts with a strong mindset because I know I will be challenged! Everyone loves a challenge and I love how Jan challenges me! Thank you Jan! You're the best!”
Deanna D.
"I have been training with Jan for the past few years. She has a reputation for being tough, but she is the best! If you're looking for a positive person in your life that will push you hard to be the best you can be in your fitness, then she's your gal. With all the workouts that Jan has designed for me, I don't think she's ever repeated the same thing twice. She's creative, fresh, fun, and has more energy than all of us put together! "
Jacqui G.
"Of all the trainers I’ve enjoyed working with, Jan ranks at the top for a number of very important reasons. Due to her indefatigable encouragement, I ALWAYS work harder. Due to her creativity, the workouts are ALWAYS different and I am never bored. Due to her belief in the power of health and fitness, I am ALWAYS inspired to try harder. Due to her belief in me, I am far fitter and stronger than I would have ever been able to achieve on my own. I cannot ask more from any trainer, and I am so glad Jan is on my side. Thank you for being there!!"
Dennis J.
"Jan Berdar is such a bright light just getting to know her inspires you to live healthier."
Kathleen K.
“I've been working out twice a week with Jan for about2 years and my fitness has improved greatly. I'm a runner and soccer player and as I'm in my mid 40s I need the extra workouts to keep me competitive and without injuries. She always keeps the workouts fun but they are also very focused and she is always challenging me in new ways. In all this time we have never done the same workout twice! And no matter how fit I am she always manages to exhaust me as she knows just how far to push you to get the most out of each session. She is extremely experienced in her trade and an avid student and teacher of fitness approaches and techniques.”
Bob B.
"Jan is the best in her business. There's no doubt about it.
She motivates you to 'stretch' to a new, better level of health. This means getting you to your ‘right' weight, making you stronger, building your endurance & stamina and, as an outcome, making you feel better about who you are as a person.
The best part of working with Jan is it’s not a struggle or a ‘grind’. She has a way of making you want to get out of the passenger seat, move in behind the wheel and take personal responsibility for your own health and well being. She cares. You can feel it, and that makes the difference."
Heidi M.
"I have been working with Jan for almost three years. Jan is educated, skilled, thoughtful, sensible and a pleasure to work with and talk to.
She knows just how and when to encourage, and just when to push. Highest recommendation."